Teaching and Learning
Ensuring equity and access that empowers every individual to reach their full personal and educational potential.
The Ames Community School District Teaching & Learning Department serves students, teachers, and staff in order to ensure that each student reaches their full personal and educational potential. We collaborate with teachers, parents, and community members to ensure that we have a guaranteed and viable curriculum that is culturally sustaining, offers access and support to each student, and meets all the requirements of the Iowa Department of Education.
What We Do
- Facilitating the development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum.
- Supporting teachers as they study and implement culturally sustaining, research based instructional practices.
- Coordinating programs that ensure students have the support and resources they need such as EL, ELP, ALP, and SUCCESS.
- Providing professional learning opportunities for all staff, including the Teacher Quality (TQ) professional development opportunities.
- Supporting new teachers and their mentors.
- Implementing Ames CSD’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) model.
- Ensuring Ames CSD is compliant with local, federal, and state requirements.
School Performance Report
The Iowa School Performance Profiles is an online tool showing how public schools performed on required measures. The website was developed to meet both federal and state requirements for publishing online school report cards. Data can be found here that reflects disaggregated results for academic performance at a district and a building level.