Panorama School Climate Survey 2019
In the spring of 2019, the Ames Community School District surveyed students, staff, and families using the Panorama Culture and Climate Survey. The survey included questions around social and emotional learning, school satisfaction, and staff and family engagement, among others. The purpose of the survey was to gather perception data from key stakeholders as a way to set a baseline for evaluation. With a baseline set, the survey results will guide goal areas based on the District’s Purpose and Priorities.
In the results, each survey has a summary section that illustrates the percentage of respondents who surveyed “favorable” to the questions and topics. Panorama also compares to how those scores benchmark nationally.
It was important as a District to gain insight from students, staff, and families. The Panorama Teacher Survey gathers feedback from teachers about their perceptions of their professional learning opportunities, their confidence in the classroom, their relationships with colleagues, students’ families, and the school leadership, and their feelings about the school’s climate.
The Panorama Family Survey looked at factors that can create challenges to being involved with their child’s school, perceptions of their child’s learning-related behaviors, and how well a school matches their child’s developmental needs, among others.
For students, the survey looked at how much students feel that they are valued members of the classroom community, their engagement, how strong the social connection is between teachers and students within and beyond the school, and how much students feel that school is interesting, important, and useful.
In all, 212 teachers, 953 family members, and 2,109 students participated in the survey. The District-level results of this survey were presented to the School Improvement and Advisory Committee on December 16 and are linked below in PDF form. In the spring of 2020, the Panorama Culture and Climate Survey will be conducted again to students, teachers, and families. The results of that survey will be presented and published by the end of this school year.
2019 Panorama District Summary