Temporary Relocation of Shot Put and Discus Field to Fellows Elementary
With construction now underway for the new Ames High School, and in preparation for next year’s track & field season, a temporary shot put and discus field will be constructed at Fellows Elementary School.
Phase 1 of construction for the new building is taking place south of Ames High Drive over top of what was the Ames High practice fields. With limited space on the Ames High campus due to the construction, Fellows was chosen as the location of the temporary shot put and discus field based on proximity to the high school and its available flat space. This last variable limits the cost of the project knowing that a permanent shot put and discus field will be located at Ames High once the current building is decommissioned and demolished during Phase 5 of construction.
The launchpad will be adjacent to the existing playground structure with shot putters throwing to the north and discus to the south. The launchpad will not impact the current playground structure and the greenspace will remain as it is for elementary students during the school day. The only time where the space at Fellows would not be available for recreational use is after school during the track & field season.
We are taking a number of important precautions to ensure the safety of our elementary-aged students while the field is in use. Additional supervision will be in place during practice and considerations for temporary or permanent fencing are currently being explored.
Traffic was an additional concern, but due to its proximity to Ames High, coaches and student-athletes will walk to the field from the high school with light traffic during home track & field meets.
This year, Fellows Elementary along with Meeker Elementary will be used on occasion by Ames High athletes due to the construction space constraints at Ames High School. Construction of the shot put and discus field will begin soon in order to be ready for use starting next track & field season, which runs approximately 7 weeks from April 1st to May 15th each year.