Collin Reichert named Outstanding Earth Science Teacher
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) has named Ames High Earth and Space Science teacher Collin Reichert the Central Section Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) for 2018! The award is for “exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth Sciences at the pre-college level.” The Central Section includes eight states (IN, IL, IA, WI, MN, OH, KY, MI), and the committee received many strong nominations for candidates throughout the region.
Reichert was nominated for the award by a mentor of his, Cinzia Cervato, an Iowa State University professor of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences. Their relationship began when Cervato wanted to learn more Reichert’s lesson plans and approach to teaching and nominated Reichert for the award as a result.
Reichert was unanimously selected as the Central Section winner and the committee was particularly impressed with his passion for, and promotion and teaching of model-based reasoning in the geosciences. They also noted his ability to get his students actively involved in a variety of community impact projects. In addition, his clarity in writing and detailed examples of his teaching content gave the committee a clear picture of his passion for earth science teaching.
Reacting to the award, Reichert said, “I was pretty overwhelmed when I first heard about winning the award. I question whether I really deserve it and am happy to win it, but I know I could give more and be better for students. I’ve been lucky enough to have stellar mentors and teachers in my life that I still look up to and strive to reach their model.”